Delta Vortex Technologies, Inc.


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CementJ alpha will be released soon…………...

CementJ is a Java™ API that provides functionality needed by most Java™/J2EE™ applications that isn't yet provided by the JDK specification directly.  In other words, this API is a foundation that fills the gaps between the JDK and applications you code.  Functionality includes:

  • Base abstracts for Data Transfer Objects, Data Access Objects, Bean/RMI clients, Application exceptions, and others that can be easily extended and used.
  • Many static utilities that turn many common tasks into coding one-liners (JDBC, Date routines, EJB routines, etc.)
  • A JDBC layer that provides enhanced exception information for easy problem diagnostics and performance tuning information.
  • Collection augmentations and enhancements.
  • Many other generic/useful common utilities.

All utilities in CementJ adhere to the following principles:
  • All utilities strive to be one-liners to save you coding time.
  • No complex or lengthy set-up procedures that cost you time.
  • All exceptions originating from CementJ are Runtime exceptions -- we don't force you into numerous try/catch blocks unless you want them.
  • All arguments are validated with meaningful error messages to reduce the number of derivative exceptions and save you time.

CementJ is featured in the forthcoming book
The J2EE Architect's Handbook : How to Be a Successful Architect for J2EE Applications to be released by DVT Press in June, 2004.




CementJ  featured in The J2EE Architect's Handbook

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