CementJ V0.9.3.1

CementJ is a collection of common utilities and base classes.


Other Packages
org.cementj.base This package contains base classes and excpetions for business applications.
org.cementj.collect Provides collection classes not provided by the JDK, such as a queue and dynamicly sized arrays for primitives.
org.cementj.common General collection of utilities not provided by the JDK, such as a thread-safe implementation of SimpleDateFormat.
org.cementj.database Provides utilities to aid JDBC database development.
org.cementj.log Provides logger abstraction allowing applications to easily switch logging utilities without changing code.
org.cementj.pool Provides a generic pooling package.
org.cementj.util One liner coding utilities meant to save typing.


CementJ is a collection of common utilities and base classes. CementJ is targeted at corporate developers creating business applications. The objective for CementJ is to save developers time.

This package is used extensively in the forthcoming book The Technical Architect's Handbook.

Copyright: Delta Vortex Technologies, 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Delta Vortex Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.