Package org.cementj.base

This package contains base classes and excpetions for business applications.


Class Summary
ApplicationEnvironment This class provides base functionality for managing configuration properties for applications.
BusinessLogicObject Generic functionality for business logic objects.
DbDataAccessObject Generic functionality for data access objects for relational databases.
DefaultMessageDrivenBean Default implementation for message driven bean.
DefaultSessionBean Default implementation for session bean.
SQLStatementExecutor Class providing support for simple SQL statement executions.
ValueObject Generic functionality for objects used to transfer data between objects.

Exception Summary
ApplicationException Provides a generic exception for commercial applications that will retain and provide information about the underlying exception.
Note that java.lang.ThreadDeath should not be "converted" into another exception.
ApplicationRuntimeException Provides a generic runtime exception for commercial applications that will retain and provide information about the underlying exception.
Note that java.lang.ThreadDeath should not be "converted" into another exception.
DataNotFoundException This exception is used mainly within Data Access Objects (DAOs) where data for a query or update isn't found.
ImproperUsageException This exception is targeted toward improper usage by end-users or client callers in the case of APIs.
InternalApplicationException This exception is targeted toward application developers, administrators, and support personnel.

Package org.cementj.base Description

This package contains base classes and excpetions for business applications.

ValueObject provides base functionality for structure-like objects passed as arguments to distributed objects. Sometimes these are known as "data transfer objects" and are associated with a pattern of the same name. ValueObject provides meaningful implementations of the following:

  • equals() and hashcode() so extensions can easily be used in Maps.
  • describe() so that extensions can provide a textual or XML description of themselves for logging purposes.
  • ApplicationException and ApplicationRuntimeException are base classes that make it easy for business applications to add context surrounding an exception (like a NullPointerException) without loosing track of the original exception or stack trace. The other exceptions in this package I find commonly defined to business applications.

    This package also provides default implementations of enterprise beans.

    This package is used extensively in the forthcoming book The J2EE(TM) Architect's Handbook.

    Copyright: Delta Vortex Technologies, 2003.

    Copyright © 2003 Delta Vortex Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.